[Beth]: There is nothing like a deadline to get one to post. In this case, the deadline is an airplane flight to Virginia. We are so very excited to be headed to DC, Richmond, and Charlottesville for about a week. The original purpose of the trip is a college friend's wedding at UVA. And once we committed to that trip, we decided to make our first return to Virginia in over a year a real, true vacation. We definitely DO promise to blog about that trip upon our return.
In the remaining 2.3 minutes I have, I will share some of my latest culinary adventures. On Sunday, we made chili, along with some sour cream cornbread in our new cast iron skillet. By the way, the skillet is my new best friend. We are still working on the non-stick aspect of the seasoning, but it is getting there. And it makes cooking scrambled (or fried) eggs for breakfast a lot more fun. Then on Monday I made a Tuscan cheese tortellini stew in the crock pot. I can't decide which is a better friend: the skillet or crock pot. Hmmmm.... And least, but definitely the best: a cheesecake. I made it for the first time, and I think it turned out really tasty. Check it out:
Virginia, here we come!!
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