Sunday, May 1, 2011

Festivals Weekend

[Beth]: I know we just recently got back to blogging, and we still have much of our trip in March to cover.  But I wanted to take a break and blog about our recent activities.  Yesterday we went to the Cinco de Mayo festival in Old Town San Diego.  It's a fun area of shops, restaurants, and historical reproductions of the city's first downtown area.  Kinda like Colonial Williamsburg - only Spanish.  I was hoping more of the buildings were 1850's originals, but apparently much of the town burned in a fire in the late 19th century.  The city parks department has done a pretty good job recreating the old town feel.

So we headed down there for the festival.  As many people have pointed out, May 5th isn't until Thursday.  Yes, everyone realizes this.  It's just difficult, and kinda lame, to have a big music festival on a Thursday.  We saw an equestrian show, heard some great mariachi music, and drank a few margaritas.  Ole!

Today we continued our weekend of festivals at the Adams Avenue Roots Festival.  It was a great blues/bluegrass/folk festival near downtown.  We enjoyed some great beers from Karl Strauss and Julian Hard Cider while listening to some really great music.  And two days of festivals wouldn't be complete without some street food: pulled pork bbq sandwich, east African sambosas, and homemade ice cream and root beer floats!  We even managed to not get sunburned (that's for the moms!).

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